Yurnero the Juggernaut | HotDotA

Monday, November 5, 2012

Yurnero the Juggernaut

Yurnero the Juggernaut


Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

20 + 1.9
20 + 2.85
14 + 1.4


Affiliation: Sentinel
Damage: 44 - 48
Armor: 3.8
Movespeed: 305
Attack Range: 128 (melee)
Attack Animation: 0.33 / 0.84
Casting Animation: 0.3 / 0.51
Base Attack Time: 1.6
Missile Speed: Instant
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Blade Fury
Skill hotkey: F

Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units.

Healing Ward
Skill hotkey: G

Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units' life.

Blade Dance
Skill hotkey: C
Yurnero's cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.

Skill hotkey: E
Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing. The search area is 450.

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