Dota 2 Heroes - Medusa the Gorgon | HotDotA

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dota 2 Heroes - Medusa the Gorgon

  • Medusa

  • Medusa


    • Medusa's Stats
    STRENGTH:55.25 at 25 (14 + 1.65/level)
    AGILITY:82.5 at 25 (20 + 2.5/level)
    INTELLIGENCE:65.25 at 25 (19 + 1.85/level)
    HEALTH:1157 at 25
    MANA:819 at 25
    DAMAGE:44 - 50

    • Split Shot (Q)
    • Medusa magically splits her shot into five arrows. These arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage.
    • Mystic Snake (W)
    • A mystic snake made of energy jumps from target to target dealing damage and stealing some energy. After it reaches its last target, it jumps back to Medusa to replenish it with mana. The snake deals more damage and steals more mana per jump. The snake's power is increased by 20% each jump.
    • Mana Shield (E)
    • Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Medusa's mana.
    • Stone Gaze (R)
    • Any enemy units staring at Medusa will slowly turn to stone, removing status buffs and slowing all speed properties. Deals more damage to summoned units per level.
    Beauty is power. This thought comforted Medusa--the youngest and loveliest of three beautiful Gorgon sisters, born to a sea goddess--because she alone of the sisters was mortal. It comforted her, that is, until the day masked assailants invaded the Gorgon realm and tore the two immortal sisters from their home, unmoved by their beauty or by their tears. One of the invaders seized Medusa as well, but then cast her aside with a disgusted look: 'This one has the mortal stink upon her. We have no use for that which dies.' Humiliated, enraged, Medusa fled to the temple of her mother and cast herself before the goddess, crying, 'You denied me eternal life--therefore I beg you, give me power! Power, so I can dedicate what life I have to rescuing my sisters and avenging this injustice!' After long thought, the goddess granted her daughter's request, allowing Medusa to trade her legendary beauty for a face and form of terrifying strength. Never for a moment has Medusa regretted her choice. She understands that power is the only beauty worth possessing--for only power can change the world.


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    1 comment

    January 11, 2013 at 8:50 PM

    Medusa is the best!

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